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Apply for Clarendon Fund Scholarships at Oxford University in the United Kingdom.

Type of Scholarship: Fully Funded

British universities

Master’s and PhD levels

Subjects covered: all

All international students are eligible.

United Kingdom

Until: January 24, 2022

Education Description
The Clarendon Fund Scholarships give postgraduate students the opportunity to enroll in Masters, Doctoral, and PhD programs in any subject of study at Oxford University in the United Kingdom.

There are numerous full-time and part-time graduate degrees at the University of Oxford that are eligible for The Clarendon Fund, which is the university’s most prestigious scholarship program and is sponsored by Oxford University Press (OUP). Graduate students from all around the world are eligible to apply for Clarendon Scholarships at the University of Oxford based on their academic performance and potential in all degree-granting fields.

Each Postgraduate applicant who submits an application with this scholarship to Oxford University will be eligible to benefit from the coveted Clarendon Scholarship money, which is available to many overseas applicants with foreign fee status.

College Degree
The Clarendon Scholarships can cover any degree-related courses or subjects. All Master’s level courses, both full-time and part-time, as well as doctoral PhD courses are included in this.

Scholarship Duration Awards are given for the entire time that you are required to pay the university’s tuition costs, which is often the same amount of time as the duration of your study. The Scholarships are subject to a yearly renewal process depending on good academic progress, which should be noted.

Accessible Topics
All full-time and part-time graduate degrees at the University of Oxford are eligible for The Clarendon Fund, the university’s most prestigious scholarship program, which is funded by Oxford University Press (OUP).

Eligible Countries
Any student from any country may apply for this award.

Scholarship Advantages
All Clarendon Scholarships include large annual grants for living expenses, which are typically enough to cover the expenditures of a single student living in Oxford. They also fully cover tuition and college fees.

The significant yearly award for living expenses given to scholars enrolled in full-time programs will be at least £15,009 in 2020–21. A study support grant will be given to students enrolled in part-time courses to help with non-fee costs. Part-time PhD and part-time Master’s students should anticipate salaries of at least £2,502 and £5,003, respectively, in 2020–21.

The scholarships are often provided for the entire time that you are required to pay tuition to the university, which is typically the same amount of time as the duration of your study.

Eligibility Requirements
Regardless of nationality, Clarendon Scholarships are given to graduate students from all around the world who have demonstrated exceptional academic merit and promise. The continents of Africa, North America, Australia, South America, Asia, the Middle East, and Europe are all represented among the Clarendon scholars.

Scholarships are available for students applying for new Master’s or PhD programs in all subject areas, including those who are already enrolled in Oxford for a Master’s degree but will be reapplying for a PhD.

By the admissions deadline in January, all applications must be submitted.

Selection Standards
Depending on the subject area and whether candidates are applying for a taught or research degree, the selection criteria change slightly, but generally include:

A strong academic record is necessary: It is necessary to have a high first-class honors degree or its equivalent (a GPA score of at least 3.7 if the mark is out of 4, keeping in mind that most successful candidates achieve a score higher than 3.7), as well as an exceptional master’s degree (keeping in mind that an outstanding master’s degree can make up for a moderate first degree performance). Individual grades on student transcripts, documentation of honors or accolades received from universities in the past, data on your standing overall within your cohort, and publications (if appropriate) are all further signs of strong academic success.
Ability to carry out the suggested course of study: Reviewing academic references, the research plan, evidence of research ability, and the possibility that the scholar will make a substantial contribution to their field of study can all be used to evaluate this.

Motivation of the student This is determined by examining the personal statement and referees’ reports for evidence of the applicant’s dedication to the course they are proposing.

Application Method
Every time you apply for graduate study at Oxford University, you are immediately considered for a Clarendon Scholarship. A master’s or PhD application can be made for a full- or part-time program. There is no different application form for the Clarendon Scholarships, and no specific supplementary paperwork is required.

It is recommended that applicants submit their applications before the January deadline in order to be eligible for this scholarship. Visit http://www.ox.ac.uk/admissions/graduate for more details on graduate programme applications, including the timing of admission offers and college offers.

Visit the official website as soon as possible to get all the details on how to apply for this scholarship.


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