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Nigeria Police Recruitment Registration Portal 2021/2022

Nigeria Police Recruitment 2021:  The Nigeria Police is the principal law enforcement and the lead security agency in Nigeria, it was founded in 1930. Designated by the 1999 constitution as the national police of Nigeria with exclusive jurisdiction throughout the country, as of 2016 it has a staff strength of about 371,800. There are currently plans to increase the force to 650,000, adding 280,000 new recruits to the existing 370,000. The Nigeria Police Force is a very large organisation consisting of 36 State commands grouped into 17 zones and 8 administrative organs.

NOTE: Nigeria Police recruitment form out and you can start your application ONLY on their official recruitment portal www.policerecruitment.gov.ng. Application portal closes on 10th January, 2022

Starting date has been announced. See recruitment form, application portal (www.policerecruitment.gov.ng), requirements and how to apply for the NPF recruitment 2021 and every details about Nigeria Police Recruitment Portal 2021 which you need to know.

Nigeria Police Recruitment 2021

The Inspector General of Police has approved the commencement of Nigeria Police Recruitment 2021. Therefore application is currently ongoing and applicants chould visit the recruitment portal to proceed.

This article contains tangible informations on Nigeria Police Force (NPF) recruitment portal, application guidelines and how to get the recruitment form.Shortlisted candidates will be contacted.n is FREE, Ensure you take note of this if you wish to apply in the Nigerian Police to avoid extortion. Application form is usually obtainable online on the recruitment portal of NPF.

Currently, Nigeria Police 2021 recruitment form will soon be available and recruitment is yet to begin.

Requirements for Nigeria Police Recruitment 2021-2022

  1. Applicants MUST have their National Identification Number (NIN), a Functional Email address and valid phone number before they commence the application.
  2. Applicants must have duly scanned copy of their original O’Level result(s) to be uploaded on the portal..
  3. Fill and submit the Online form( Review the information before final submission)..
  4. Applicant must print their completed online forms, guarantor forms and submit same at the recruitment physical/examination screening centers.
  5. Applicant must have passion for a career in the Nigeria Police Force and must satisfy the following General Requirements..
  6. Applicants shall be of Nigerian origin by birth and possess National Identity Number (NIN) .
  7. Applicants must possess a minimum of 5 credits in not more than 2 sittings in WASSCE/GCE/NECO/NABTEB with credit passes in English and Mathematics. .
  8. Applicants must be aged between 18-25 years. .
  9. Applicants must be medically, physically, and psychologically fit and must not be less than 1.67mtrs tall for male and 1.64mtrs tall for female..
  10. Applicants must not have less than 86cm (34 inches) expanded chest measurement (for men only).
  11. Female Applicant must not be pregnant at the time of recruitment..
  12. Applicant must be free from any pecuniary embarrassment.

How to Apply for Nigeria Police Recruitment 2021

Interested applicants shhould follow these steps to apply:

  1.  Visit the official recruitment portal www.policerecruitment.gov.ng
  2. Clich on “Click To Apply” botton at the right of the page, under the “2021 RECRUITMENT EXERCISE” colunm.
  3. Carefully read the application guidelines before proceeding.
  4. Follow the instructions and submite the required documents in the prescribed formats.
  6. To visit the official Registration Portal and start your application CLICK HERE

About NPF Recruitment 2021/2022

The Nigeria Police Force (NPF) is due to start the recruitment exercise of new police constables into the agency. Candidates or applicants who wish to be a part of NPF recruitment 2021 exercise should take note that you ought that application will only take place on the portal.

The Nigerian Police (NPF) has clearly stated on the portal www.npf.gov.ng that recruitment into the agency is transparent and completely free of charge to apply. This means that as long as you have the needed credentials, you should be eligible to participate in the recruitment exercise.

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