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[MFM Devotional 15 September 2021] Topic: Smyrna: The Persecuted Church (I)

TOPIC — Smyrna: The Persecuted Church (I) (Mountain Of Fire and Miracle Ministries, MFM Devotional 15 September 2021)


FIRE SCRIPTURE: Revelation 2:8-11

8 And unto the angel of the church in Smyrna write; These things saith the first and the last, which was dead, and is alive;

9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

10 Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.

11 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death.

MEMORY VERSE: “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” – John 16:33

I could be happy to get persecuted, if only the Lord counts me worthy.

PRAISE WORSHIP: Take a worship song as led by the Holy Spirit



The second letter to the seven churches was to the church at Smyrna. Smyrna was a proud Asian city closely aligned with Rome and eager to submit to the emperor’s worship. Smyrna also had a large community of Jews that rejected Christ, though they claimed to follow God. In truth, they were under satan’s control and helped to create a hostile environment for the Christians. Polycarp, one of the most famous early Christian Martyrs (i.e. killed for his faith), was the Bishop of Smyrna. The persecution and the poverty of Smyrna believers were extensive. They were at the lowest point economically, yet Jesus said in His letter that they were spiritually rich.

Let us note the contrast between them and the Laodicean church, which was very rich in material wealth, yet was considered spiritually “wretched, and miserable, and poor, blind and naked” (Revelation 3:17; Matthew 6:20; James 2:5). This simply implies that one may be physically rich but spiritually poor. These are Christians who never used their God-given resources to serve God who blessed them with same.

Beloved, to keep our Christian faith and lives in proper perspective, we should ask ourselves some salient questions: Is serving Jesus a matter of convenience for me, or does it truly cost me something? Can God trust me with any of the endowments upon my life: talents, gifts, wealth, skills and abilities? Am I serving God more for what I can get from Him, or for how I can surrender myself for His Kingdom and purposes? Do I even recognise the fact that He kept me for His purpose, or and that He wants me to do His will and serve others too? Am I selfish with the blessings He has blessed me with?

Out of the seven churches addressed by the risen Lord, only two passed His examination. One of them was the church at Smyrna. He did not find anything against them. Can He find any faults in you? Look inwards now and amend your ways. Decide to stand for Christ alone, no matter the hostility of your environment. Refuse compromise (Romans 12:2a). Don’t be conformed to this world. Rather be conformed to heavenly standard (Galatians 3:1-2). No matter the persecution in this world, a crown of life awaits you in heaven (Revelation 2:10).



My Father, reveal more of Yourself to me, in the name of Jesus.
Invisible wall blocking my spiritual sight, crumble, in the name of Jesus.
O God, arise and give me the grace to follow You to the end, in the name of Jesus.

Anti-gospel power operating against my life, die, in the name of Jesus.
Every opposition to the spread and prosperity of the gospel in my environment, scatter, in the name of Jesus.
Witchcraft verdict against the church of Christ, scatter, in the name of Jesus.
Arrows of bewitchment, assigned to pull me down, I am not your candidate, backfire, in the name of Jesus.
MOUNTAIN TOP LIFE is a daily devotional by Dr. D.K Olukoya (General Overseer, Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministries, Worldwide)

MFM 2021 Seventy Days Prayer & Fasting Programme – 15 September 2021
Prayer Battle (2)

Section 4: Connecting The Unlimited Power

Scripture Reading: Joshua 6

Confession: Job 13:18-19 – Behold now, I have ordered my cause; I know that I shall be justified. Who is he that will plead with me? for now, if I hold my tongue, I shall give up the ghost.

Day 8: (Wednesday, September 15, 2021) Break By 2pm [Local Time]

The Bible In 70 Days – Day 38: Proverbs 2:17 – 17:20

Devotional Songs

Prayer Of Praise And Thanksgiving (To Be Said Daily)

Prayer Points:

My star hidden inside the wall of darkness, come out and shine, in the name of Jesus.
Hands of disgrace rubbing my star, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
Powers that want to use battle to make me a battle to someone else, die, in the name of Jesus.
Powers planning for my flesh and blood to be accepted by witchcraft, be wasted in your own blood, in the name of Jesus.
Powers that want people to see me as a mad person, run mad and die, in the name of Jesus.
Powers putting my destiny in trouble, die, in the name of Jesus.
Powers driving the car of my destiny to crush it, die, in the name of Jesus.
Arrows pushing me to walk in places that will bring trouble to my life, come out and die, in the name of Jesus.
Arrows chasing out my glory from my life, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
Powers on assignment to bathe me with fresh battles, O God, arise and judge them quickly, in the name of Jesus.
Covenant trees of darkness in my destiny, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
Powers planning to kill me and benefit from my death, be suddenly wasted, in the name of Jesus.
Every force chasing away my helpers, be paralysed, in the name of Jesus.
O God, arise and let Your water flood the desert of my life, in Jesus’ name.
Strange spirits appearing in form of masquerades to threaten my life, O God, arise and tear them to pieces, in the name of Jesus.
Demonic bullets hiding in my destiny, lose your power over my life, in the name of Jesus.
Power of the graveyard working to keep me in detention of darkness, die, in the name of Jesus.
O God, arise and crush the forces that have taken over my celebration, in the name of Jesus.
Powers selling my virtues to strangers, run mad, in the name of Jesus.
Sword of God, terminate the flesh of darkness hovering around to disgrace me, in the name of Jesus.
Powers borrowing my image for evil, receive the arrow of death, in the name of Jesus.
Ugly situations embarrassing my existence, die, in the name of Jesus.
Powers controlling my life to live by their charms, be exposed and be disappointed, in the name of Jesus.
Thunder of God, answer the wicked elders invoking me to appear in their wicked mirrors, in the name of Jesus.
Evil waters assigned to swallow me, dry up, in the name of Jesus.
When the old dragon roars at me, thunder of God, strike against him, in the name of Jesus.
My virtues in the land of the dead, arise and locate me by fire, in the name of Jesus.
O God, arise and let Your hand of power take me out of the maze of confusion to which the wicked ones tied me, in the name of Jesus.
Prayer Of Praise And Thanksgiving (To Be Said Daily)
Father in the name of Jesus, I thank You for:

Drawing me to prayer and power,
The salvation of my soul,
Baptizing me with the Holy Spirit,
Producing spiritual gifts upon my life,
The fruits of the spirit working in me,
The wonderful gift of praise,
All the ways You have intervened in my affairs,
Your divine plan for my life,
You will never leave me nor forsake me,
Bringing me to a place of maturity and deeper life,
Lifting me up when I fall,
Keeping me in perfect peace,
Making all things work together for good for me,
Protecting me from the snares of the fowler and from the noisome pestilence,
The wonder-working power in Your Word and in the Blood of the Lamb,
Giving Your angels charge over me,
Fighting for me against my adversaries,
Making me more than a conqueror,
Supplying all my needs according to Your riches in glory,
Your healing power upon my body, soul and spirit,
Flooding my heart with the light of heaven,
Always causing me to triumph in Christ Jesus,
Turning my curses into blessings,
Enabling me to dwell in safety,
All the blessings of life,
Your greatness, power, glory, majesty, splendor and righteousness,
Silencing the foe and the avenger,
You are at my right hand and I shall not be moved,
You are trustworthy and will help Your own,
Not allowing my enemies to rejoice over me,
Your wonderful love,
You are great and greatly to be praised,
Delivering my soul from death and my feet from stumbling,
You are my fortress and refuge in time of trouble,
Your faithfulness and marvellous deeds,
Your act of power and surpassing greatness,
Dispersing spiritual blindness from my spirit,
Lifting me out of the depths,
Preserving me and keeping my feet from slipping,
Your name is a strong tower, the righteous runs into it and he is safe.

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