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James Chitor – I’m On A Journey

I’m On A Journey By James Chitor Mp3 Download

Is a heart cry. Indeed we are on a journey, we are on a journey to our destiny and to eternity. Many have been destroyed in this journey, many destiny have been aborted and many treasure have been buried unfulfilled . Men and women with great prophecies upon their life have passed away and buried in the grave without fulfilling their destiny. Take a look at how many youth are just perishing day by day many have denied their faith in Christ Jesus. Indeed our distractions are many especially as young people, ….

Make it your daily prayer that the Lord will keep your eyes above these veils veils and distractions. May the treasure in us not be buried with us unfulfilled in Jesus name…

There is no better life outside Jesus
Hold unto Jesus in this journey…


Bro. James Tobechukwu Chitor is a lover of Jesus Christ, He is a missionary by life . Currently the National mission and Evangelism coordinator of the Evangelical fellowship in the Anglican communion students fellowship EfAC_SM.
He has an undying zeal and passion for youth and children ministry

He is currently a student of the University of Nigeria Nsukka, Department of Biochemistry.
He has a Great passion for kingdom expansion and kingdom business.
His songs are divinely inspired and soul enriching …

Lyrics Of I’m On A Journey By James Chitor 

I’m on a journey
a journey to my glorious home
I’m on a journey to eternity
Lord keep me
Keep my eyes above the veils
Oh lead me to my glorious home

I’m on a journey
A journey to my destiny
I’m on a journey to my glorious home (oh!!)
Lord keep me
Keep my eyes above the veils
Oh lead me to my glorious home

It’s not just a song,
It’s a heart cry
It’s a cry unto the father
That the Lord will keep our eyes above the veils, above the limitations,
above the cares of this life
above our distractions

I’m on a journey
a journey to my glorious home
I’m on a journey to eternity
Lord keep me
Keep my eyes above the veils
Oh lead me to my glorious home

May the treasure in me not be buried with me
May my life not waste like this (ooh!)
Lord keep me
Keep my eyes above the veils
Oh lead me to my glorious home

May the treasure in me not be buried with me
May my life not end like this, Lord keep me
Oh!! It’s a heart cry
That the treasure in me not be buried with me
…may the treasure in me not be buried with me
May my life not end like this
Oh keep me
Keep my eyes above the veils
Oh lead me to my glorious home
… I’m on a journey iiiiiii!!!
I Know I have a destiny in God , though the distractions are many, the cares,the worries, they are so many but oh God I pray that you keep our eyes…
It’s a prayer that every youth must pray

May the treasure in me not be buried with me
May my life not end this way(tongues)
Lord keep me
Keep my eyes above (tongues)

I don’t know your own distractions
I don’t know those things that are coming to call your attention off the track
I don’t know those things that you have seen that have made you to turn your back against the will of God for your life, but I want you to know that there is a God that can preserve his people
Only pray daily
Asking the Lord to keep you
To keep your eyes above the veils
…( tongues)

I’m on a journey…
Journey to my destiny iiiii!!!
I’m on a journey to my glorious home(to my destiny)
Oh Lord keep me
Keep my eyes above these distractions
… (tongues)

Keep my eyes above the distractions,
Keep my eyes above the veils
Keep my eyes above the cares of this life
The addictions,the list of the flesh, the desires of the flesh
The side attractions
The youthful LUST)
The peer pressure
Keep my eyes above this veils oh God
.. (Tongues)…

May the treasure in me not be buried with me (unfulfilled)
May my life not end like this
Oh Lord keep me
Keep my eyes above …
In few seconds can you pray until God and say Lord keep my eyes above the veils
I Know I have a destiny in God,but sometimes I feel like giving up
Can you cry and say father keep my eyes above these veils
Keep my eyes above these distractions
Oh Lord…( Prayer)

May the treasure in me not be buried with me
And may my life not end like this,
Oh keep me
Keep my eyes above the veils
Oh lead me to my destiny.

My destiny will not be aborted.
The treasure in me will not be buried with me
I must remain focused under God
Only you oh God! keep me!!
Keep me from the youthful LUST
Keep me from the addictions
Keep me from the pressure from the friends around me

I’m on a journey
A journey to my glorious home
I’m on a journey to my destiny
Oh keep me
Keep my eyes above the veil
Above the veils
Above the distractions (tongues)

And I pray one more time
.. may the treasure in me not be buried with me
May my life not this way(tongues)
Don’t allow the pride of life oh Lord to end my destiny unfulfilled
…. prayers…

Social Media Handle

Facebook name is Tobechukwu Chitor
Instagram is Tobechukwu James
YouTube is chitor James



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