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[Cup Of Faith Daily Devotional 22 November 2022] Topic: You Are A Unique Masterpiece

TOPIC: You Are A Unique Masterpiece

Bible Text: “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” – Psalm 139:13-15

According to Billy Edwards, every human being is made a unique masterpiece even though many people don’t realize it. When God made you, He really did break the mold. There is no other person who is exactly like you. You are an original. No two people have the same fingerprint. It is mind-blowing to know that there is no other one in the human population who has the identical pattern that I have or that you have. This truth is confirmed by today’s text among other scriptural references.

Further to this truth is the fact that our individual DNA structures are strikingly different as well. No two people have identical DNA. God wanted us to be uniquely different, and at the same time, have some of the same characteristics and traits as our parents. This is why when we were born, we may have ended up with our mother’s eyes and our father’s hair. It goes even further as we grow older when we show some of the behavioral characteristics and mannerisms of our parents.

Unlike many people today, the psalmist must have given deep thought to the value God has placed upon him and how much He has invested in him. Hence he could boldly and confidently say, “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” What! Can you pay attention to the last phrase in this verse? This is worthy of consideration because so many people don’t give God and their relationship with Him a second thought. They take so many things for granted which of course shouldn’t be especially, as believers in Christ. With each passing day, we should gain a new appreciation for how He has blessed us with the wonderful gift of life.

God never made you on a mass production line. He took great care in making you who you were meant to be. He had a purpose in mind for you even before you came into being. He knew you would sin and be helpless to live up to His expectations. He knew you would fail and fall, yet he gave you a chance. Even though you have failed Him, He has provided you with hope and a way back to Him.

Beloved of God, are you so depressed and dejected to the point that you have lost the sense of your uniqueness and originality? Always remember that you are not what man or any situation says you are, but you are what God says you are. You are specially and uniquely crafted by your Maker. You are an original masterpiece. Let this encourage you in times of despair.


I pray for you today:

May your hope be resuscitated and renewed in the name of Jesus.
The Lord will add meaning and purpose to your life.
He will give you a new direction
I decree victory for you over every form of depression and dejection.
Go and fulfill purpose.
So shall it be in Jesus name. Amen

Do have a fulfilling day.


Yours in Christ,
Revd Dr. Bayo Sola Aremu
Church pastor
Yaba Baptist Church
Sabo-Yaba, Lagos

If you just prayed the prayer of salvation online please send your testimonies and prayer request to yababaptist@yahoo.com, ‎+234 1 291 3962, +234 706 469 0938.

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