[Seeds Of Destiny 9 April 2024] Topic: Satan’s Foothold
TOPIC: Satan’s Foothold (Seeds Of Destiny 9 April 2024)
SCRIPTURE: …Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are ye? – Acts 19:15.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Every sinful act or behaviour attracts the devil to you and makes you jeopardise your eternity with God.
Seeds Of Destiny For Today 2023 MESSAGE:
Many years ago, as students on campus burning for the Lord, we usually embarked on evangelistic outreaches.
One day, our team in the medical school went out to a psychiatric ward to evangelize and pray for the sick. We met an insane person who saw one of our sisters, a member of our team, and violently confronted her.
The mad person said to her, “Others came here to preach and you also came with them?” The kingdom of darkness was aware of who she was. By implication, the devil had seen something in her that made her unfit to preach at that point in time.
A similar scenario also played out in scripture almost 2000 years before. While the sons of Sceva wanted to cast out an evil spirit from someone, the evil spirit confronted them:
…Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are ye?
Acts 19:15.
This means, the kingdom of darkness is aware of who we are. Beloved, the kingdom of darkness hears something from the lives of Christians. Someone may say, “I’m a born-again Christian; I’m filled with the Holy Ghost,” but the kingdom of darkness may hear something else from that person’s life. What the kingdom of darkness hears from that life may be fornication, cheating, lying, smoking, drinking, womanizing, backbiting, unforgiveness, cheating, seduction, malice etc.
Beloved, what does the kingdom of darkness hear from your life?
The truth is, you cannot end in heaven if what satan hears from you is a negative lifestyle of sin. Every sinful act or behaviour attracts the devil to you and makes you jeopardise your eternity with God. When you give yourself to a lifestyle of sin, you attract the presence and attention of the devil to your life. And you cannot end in heaven when iniquity is found in you.
Beloved, the question is, what does satan hear about your life? What has given the devil a foothold in your life? What is that lifestyle in you that usually attracts the attention of satan to discredit you always? Please make up your mind to adjust your life. Re-dedicate your life to God today. Repent from every sin in your life and put the devil to shame today.
Remember this: Every sinful act or behaviour attracts the devil to you and makes you jeopardise your eternity with God.
- Critically look into your life to identify any lifestyle or behaviour that usually makes satan accuse you.
- Make up your mind to repent from your sins and re-dedicate your life to God today.
PRAYER: Lord, I repent from every sinful act and behaviour that has given the devil a foothold in my life. I receive total cleansing by the Blood of Jesus today, Lord in Jesus’ Name.
QUOTE: This is the season of the abundance of iniquity, with the love of many waxing cold, so we need to know what to do to uphold godly character. Culled from the book, “WHO ARE YOU?” by Dr Paul Enenche.
DAILY READING: 2 Chronicles 22-24.
AMAZING FACT: Goats have different accents.
PROPHETIC WORD (DECLARATION): The LORD clothe you with integrity in Jesus’ Name.
Today’s devotional was written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), headquartered at Abuja, Nigeria, with Pastor Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. It is a power-packed arena where God’s Presence, Principles and Power are at work for the salvation, healing and restoration of human destinies and dignities.