Ugojesus the praise lifter – Jesus oloro ihe loro enyi
Jesus oloro ihe loro enyi By Ugojesus the praise lifter Mp3 Download
Lyrics Of Jesus oloro ihe loro enyi By Ugojesus the praise lifter
Jesus 2x
I am in awe of you, ihe I na eme na ejum Anya(the things you do amaze me)2x
Maka na I buy (because you are).
Oloro ihe loro enyi (He who swallows what swallows an elephant).
Jesus! I’ve seen you made things happen all the time, but I’ve never seen anything, anything at all happened to you.
Solo1: The God that pathed the red see, I duff my cap for you.
The God who walked upon the sea, I lift my voice to you.
You made away in the wilderness, and created something out of nothing.
Egwu gi n’atum Eze (I fear you king)
Ka mmadu Nile tuo gi egwu (let all men fear you)
Jehovah idi oke egwu( my Jehovah you’re fearful).
Solo2: The only smart guy that ever existed , who can describe you Jesus?
The commanded the fish to swallow Jonah, yet suspended it’s digestive organs to crush him.
Jesus idi omimi n’ime omimi (Jesus you’re mysterious)
Jesus ishiri Eze shie anwughi anwu( Jesus you’re the undieing king).
I shout it to the world let all men fear you God.Chants…
Jesus 2x
I am in awe of you, ihe I na eme na ejum Anya(the things you do amaze me)2x
Maka na I buy (because you are).
Oloro ihe loro enyi (He who swallows what swallows an elephant).
Jesus! I’ve seen you made things happen all the time, but I’ve never seen anything, anything at all happened to you.
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Facebook: Minstrel Ezinne Chinedu-ukah.
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