TREM Devotional 28 March 2023: Your Sins Have Been Dealt With
TOPIC: Your Sins Have Been Dealt With (TREM Devotional 28 March 2023)
“And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more.” Hebrews 10:17 (KJV)
Wisdom For The Day MESSAGE:
For too long sin had been a big issue for the believer, and this should really not be so. I can understand when an unbeliever is battling with sin and is always sin conscious, that is okay for the unbeliever. However, the believer who is always conscious of sin needs to receive a revelation of what transpired on the cross for us.
In our text today, it is clear that God sees all our sins – past, present, and future and says, “He remembers them no more”. The phrase “NO MORE” is a strong double negative according to the original Greek rendition. God is saying in effect that concerning your sins, I will never again remember them.
To many people, this sounds like God has lowered His standard. No Never, because the thrice Holy God is still perfectly holy. He cannot behold sin and He cannot lower His standard. However, over 2000 years ago on the cross, He punished every sin we have committed or will ever commit on the body of Jesus. Jesus paid the FULL PRICE. Based on that, He does not remember our sins anymore and so we should get rid of sin consciousness.
If you fall into sin, He wants you to look at the cross and remind yourself that sin has been punished on the cross. It has already been judged and so God will not judge you again for it. Jesus was condemned for it and so you will not be condemned.
Always keep your eyes on the cross because what happened there was on our behalf. You must once and for all know and believe that all our sins are forgiven and that no sin will ever disqualify us from God’s blessings, that there is no sin that will send us to hell because we are forgiven and saved eternally. We are perfected forever by the one offering that He offered Himself. We stand perfect always before God IN CHRIST (Hebrews 10:12,14). Therefore, celebrate because sin has lost its power over you.
Hebrews 8:1-12
MORNING – Judges 1-3
EVENING – Luke 4:1-30
Wisdom For The Day Devotional was Written by Dr. Mike Okonkwo; Is the Presiding Bishop of The Redeemed Evangelical Mission (TREM); a versatile man of God with over 30 years of dedicated service unto the Lord.