[TREM Devotional 27 May 2023] Topic: Keys To Breaking Barriers
TOPIC: Keys To Breaking Barriers (TREM Devotional 27 May 2023)
“And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus”. Matthew 14:29 (KJV)
Wisdom For The Day MESSAGE:
The first key to stepping into the water or breaking barriers is to recognize what God has put inside you. The second key to stepping into the water, as demonstrated by Peter in Mathew Chapter 14, is that you must make up your mind to challenge the status quo. Whenever you settle for the status quo, your life will end uneventfully. All the disciples were comfortable inside the boat, but Peter dared to walk out. It was a risk because he had never walked on water before. But it paid off!
Beloved, stop rehearsing how you failed in the past. Rather, begin to look at the future and make necessary preparations. This is the time to review, re-strategize, and re-launch. Yes, you can still spring a surprise.
The man, Zacchaeus in the scriptures knew he had a challenge. (Luke 19) He was very short and could not see what others were seeing. He made up his mind to change his situation. He re-strategized by going ahead of the crowd. He went ahead to wait for them in the “future”. That was the game changer. He climbed a tree and from the treetop, he could see beyond what they could see. He challenged the status quo and got the attention of Jesus.
Stop going around in circles. Break out of your comfort zone and break barriers. Step into the deep waters and stop fishing at the shoreline. Great things happen only in deep waters. Refuse to allow another person to tell you that there is nothing you can do. You can do something. The answer is inside you and it is waiting for expression. I am in a hurry to read about your exploits on the pages of newspapers. We have been reading about people on the internet and other people’s testimony. It is time for your testimony. You will not remain where you have always been. Something new and something unusual is about to break forth in your life. The world will hear your testimony.
Matthew 14: 22-29; Luke 19:1-10
Morning – 2 Chronicles 1-3; Evening – John 10:1-23
Wisdom For The Day Devotional was Written by Dr. Mike Okonkwo; Is the Presiding Bishop of The Redeemed Evangelical Mission (TREM); a versatile man of God with over 30 years of dedicated service unto the Lord.