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Josiah Ibrahim – KA YI

Ka Yi By Josiah Ibrahim Mp3 Download

KA YI is being translated from Hausa, means “YOU DID”, it’s all talking about the finished work of Christ on the cross, as the Bible says “that anyone who believes in Jesus shall not perish, but have ETERNAL LIFE” this eternal life includes every thing else, he gave us free access to the father, that anything we ask in his name, he will do”. Every miracle I will ever need have been done already, it’s all left for me to come boldly into the throne of grace. I don’t need a new miracle, there’s no miracle he didn’t perform, all I have to do now is to touch the hem of his garment and receive mine. Hallelujah….

Lyric Of Ka Yi By Josiah Ibrahim

The universe at large
Ka yi su (you made them).
With the words of your mouth
Ayau gasunan (they all exist)
Da kalmomin bakin ka
Kana al’ajibai, al’ajibai
    Da matan na mai zup da gini ta taba bakin rigan ka ta warke, ta warke. (the woman with the issue of blood got healed immediately she touched your garment).
Toh al’ajiban da kayi, yau na zo in dandana su, ka yi su. (today I’ve come to taste from the miracles you did).
al’ajiban da kayi, yau na zo in dandana su, ka yi su. (today I’ve come to taste from the miracles you did).
Wa zai ja da Kai mai girma
ko ka ce ba za kayi ba kafisu, kafisu (who can battle with you Mighty one, even in your silence you are stronger than all) 2x
al’ajiban da kayi, yau na zo in dandana su, ka yi su. (today I’ve come to taste from the miracles you did).2x
Kaunar ka babu iyaka (your love is limitless)
Ka kaunace mu tun duniya ta ki mu. (when the world rejected us, you loved us).
Kanar ka nanan. (your love have been there).
Yabon ka muke yi kullun. (we sing your praises always)
Don ka so mu, ka kaunace mu. Be you love us)
Fada in ta gagara kaidai ka shigo nasara ne. (when battle seems too difficult to defeat, yet victory comes at your stepping in).
Ya Yesu, ka isa yabo. (Jesus you are worthy to be praise).
Toh al’ajiban da kayi, yau na zo in dandana su, ka yi su. (today I’ve come to taste from the miracles you did).
al’ajiban da kayi, yau na zo in dandana su, ka yi su. (today I’ve come to taste from the miracles you did)
Wa zai ja da Kai mai girma
ko ka ce ba za kayi ba kafisu, kafisu (who can battle with you Mighty one, even in your silence you are stronger than all) 2x
al’ajiban da kayi, yau na zo in dandana su, ka yi su. (today I’ve come to taste from the miracles you did).
Allah madaukaki mai girma. (Almighty God)
Ka raba teku. (you devided the sea)
Ka ta da matatu. (you raised the death).
Makafi na gani. (the blind received their sight).
Kuramai naji. (the deaf could hear)
Ka na tafiya kan ruwaye. (you walked on waters)
Kayi su (you did)
Ka ciyas da mutani dubu dubu. (you feed thousands).
Social Media Handle
Whatsapp; +2348060697161
Facebook ;Josiah Ibrahim
Email; ijosiah84@gmail.co


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