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William Murphy – Walls Came Down

Walls Came Down by William Murphy Mp3 Download

Download this track from William Murphy Titled Walls Came Down. William Henry Murphy III is an American gospel recording artist and pastor. He started his music career in 2005, with the release of All Day on Epic Records. This album was listed on the Billboard Gospel Albums chart.

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Lyrics Of Walls Came Down by William Murphy

Look at your neighbor say we’re at a spiritual jericho
What that means is the next time you shout the Heavens are going to respond
This weekend is about breaking cycles
Those of you who have been going in circles
I want you to put your hand on your neighbor and say the cycle is being broken even now
I want you to say it strong the cycle is being broken even now
We’re at a spiritual jericho that means you could be one shout away
From going into what God promised you

Listen I feel something big on the horizon
I feel like God is getting ready to do something big for you
Let me profesize this listen

Walls came down and the people went up
Walls came down and the people went up
Walls came down and the people went up
Walls came down and the people went up
You got it now you you profesize
Walls came down and the people went up
Walls came down and the people went up
Walls came down and the people went up
Walls came down and the people went up
Listen it ain’t enough for you to agree you got to declare
Walls came down and the people went up
Walls came down and the people went up
Walls came down and the people went up
Walls came down and the people went up
And the people went up somebody get your hands up and the people went up
Walls came down and the people went up
Walls came down and the people went up
Walls came down and the people went up
Walls came down and the people went up
Walls came down and the people went up
Walls came down and the people went up
Walls came down and the people went up
Walls came down and the people went up
And the people went up and the people went up and the people went up and the people went up
And the people went up and the people went up
Now listen the spirit of God spoke to me he said son tell the church the next thing I do is going to be big it’s going to be exceedingly abundantly above all that they could ask
Walls came down and the people went up God I wish someone will holler with me
Walls came down and the people went up
Walls came down and the people went up
Walls came down and the people went up
Somebody profesize Walls came down and the people went up
Walls came down and the people went up Walls came down and the people went up
I said the people went up
Whatever generational cycle whatever generational habit that’s kept your butt staying locked up
I declare the spirit of God is breaking you free and you getting ready to have a testimony lets go bless the nation and all you’ll be saying

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