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[TREM Devotional 9 December 2022] Topic: The Benefits Of Intimacy

TOPIC: The Benefits Of Intimacy (TREM Devotional 9 December 2022)

“And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years, and begat sons and daughter.” Genesis 5:22 (KJV)

Wisdom For The Day MESSAGE:

God is doing a new thing and things are not as we used to know. We are in the season of great change and there will be a lot of overtaking, recovery and restoration. It is important that we align ourselves with what God is doing presently. So, my assignment is to align you and position you to take that which God has already perfected in eternity that is manifesting even now. If there is anything that we need in this hour, it is intimacy with God.

In the Bible text above we are told that Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years, and begat sons and daughters: And all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years: And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him. God’s desire for his children right from creation is not for benefits, but intimacy even though there will always be benefits. The secret is never to prioritize benefits but to focus on intimacy. Intimacy will produce results but when you begin to follow results or benefit rather than the main purpose or the real reason why He saved you, then you got it backward.

What God is doing in this day is realignment and repositioning us so that we can maximize what He has purposed for each one of us. But unfortunately, today many have been seduced and I believe this is the result of the fall of man, by thinking that it is benefits that we are called for. Benefits will obviously come but benefits are not the key reason for our salvation. Bro Mike when you say benefits are not the key reason, what do you mean by benefits? I am talking about your healing, prosperity, houses you want to build, a good career you want to have, the latest car, good family life, marriage, and everything that makes you successful. The pursuit of these things is not the original intention of God for us.

Further Reading:
Genesis 5:18-24; Matthew 6:25-34; John 6:25-27

Daily Bible Reading:
Morning – Daniel 11-12; Evening- Jude

DAILY CONFESSIONS: December 4th – December 10th

I am the temple of God and the Spirit of God dwells in me. Therefore I choose not to defile my body because God dwells in me. I am blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. I have been chosen before the foundation of the world to be holy without blame before Him in love. I am a beloved child of God, having received redemption through His blood and even the forgiveness of sins by the riches of His grace. (1Corinth 3:16, Eph1:3-4, Colo1:14)

I am more than a conqueror for greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I am the light of the world and the salt of the earth. The Lord crowns my years with His goodness and my path drips with fatness. The Lord is my Light and my Salvation; therefore I shall not fear. The Lord is the strength of my life. I shall not be afraid. (Rom 8:37, 1Joh 4:4, Math 5: 13-15, Ps 65:11, Ps 27:1)

Every day and in every way I am getting better: spiritually, physically, financially, mentally, morally, and in all my endeavours.

I am called for a purpose. I will fulfill this purpose and I will arrive at God’s ordained destiny for my life. Nothing will cut me short. I will make a formidable impact in my world for the Kingdom.


Wisdom For The Day Devotional was Written by Dr. Mike Okonkwo; Is the Presiding Bishop of The Redeemed Evangelical Mission (TREM); a versatile man of God with over 30 years of dedicated service unto the Lord.

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