[TREM Devotional 16 December 2022] Topic: You Are Not Allowed To Faint
TOPIC: You Are Not Allowed To Faint (TREM Devotional 16 December 2022)
“If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small.” Proverb 24:10 (KJV)
Wisdom For The Day MESSAGE:
This is not the day or the hour to faint because fainting is not permitted. Every time God plans something big and something very heavy for you, there will always be an opportunity for fainting. Since the creation of man, the plan of God is always good for us. Jeremiah 29: 11 says “For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, thought of peace not of evil to give you an expected end”.
The scripture says for whom he did foreknow; he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of His Son that he might be firstborn among many brethren. Moreover, whom he did predestinate he also called; and whom he called them he also justified; and whom he justified them he also glorified (Romans 8:29-30.). The purpose of God for our lives is to bring us glory and not shame or disgrace. God’s purpose is right from the foundation of his word. Ephesians 1:4. “According as he has chosen us in him before the foundation of his word to be holy and without blame before him in love. He chose us even before we came on the scene and He chose us for glory.”
The ancient prophet Jeremiah said, “before I formed you, I knew you. While you were yet in your mother’s womb, I ordained you as a prophet to the nations” (Jeremiah 1:5). There are things that God wants you to accomplish and there are things and territories that God wants you to cover. There are inventions He wants you to create, there’re things, ideas, concepts, and creativities, knowledge of witty inventions that are already put in your life for your own glory. God put them right there for you to fulfill your purpose. There are things that God already ordained that you will achieve in life, and they’re there right inside you and God intends that you will accomplish all of it. So, you are not allowed to faint or be weary, no matter what comes against you. You will accomplish them all. You have what it takes to overcome every opposition.
Further Reading:
2 Corinthians 2:14-16, 1 John 5:4
Bible Reading:
Morning – Amos 4-6
Evening – Revelation 7
DAILY CONFESSIONS: December 11th – December 17th
The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. He is my keeper, the shade upon my right hand. The sun will not smite me by day; neither will the moon by night. The Lord will keep me from all evil, He will keep my life. The Lord will keep my going out and my coming in from this time forth and forever. The Lord girds me with strength and makes my way perfect. He makes my feet like hinds feet and sets me upon high places. He teaches my hands to war so that a bow of steel is broken by my arms. (Psalm 18:32-34, Ps. 23:1, Ps 121:5-8)
The Lord will cause my eyes to see the hidden riches in secret places; I will be sought after. This is my season of recovery; everything the locust, the cankerworm, the palmer worm has eaten shall all be restored unto me. I will pursue, overtake and recover all (Is. 45:3, Joel 2:25; 1 Sam 30:8)
Every day and in every way I am getting better: spiritually, physically, financially, mentally, morally, and in all my endeavours.
I am called for a purpose. I will fulfill this purpose and I will arrive at God’s ordained destiny for my life. Nothing will cut me short. I will make a formidable impact in my world for the Kingdom.
Wisdom For The Day Devotional was Written by Dr. Mike Okonkwo; Is the Presiding Bishop of The Redeemed Evangelical Mission (TREM); a versatile man of God with over 30 years of dedicated service unto the Lord.