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[TREM Devotional 13 May 2022] Topic: – Increase Your Capacity

TOPIC: Increase Your Capacity (TREM Devotional 13 May 2022)

“Then he said, Go, borrow thee vessels abroad of all thy neighbors, even empty vessels; borrow not a few.”.” 2 Kings 4:3 (KJV)

Wisdom For The Day MESSAGE:

We can no longer afford to do small things. Look around you, the rest of the world is making giant strides and taking territories. So why would believers, the ones who have the dominion mandate, do any less? Time has come and that time is now for us to arise. God intends for us to be at the forefront of the different sectors in our society. But if you cannot receive the mighty things that God has released, then even though that is God’s will for you, your capacity will place a cap on His supply.

We are all very familiar with our text. The widow found herself in a terrible situation. Not only was she mourning her husband, who was a prophet, a child of God, committed and devoted; her husband left bad debt for the family. And now the creditors had come to take her two sons as slaves, as payment for the debt. She ran to meet the Prophet Elisha. He asked her what she had in the house, and she told him nothing except a small flask of oil. We then see in verse 3. Prophet Elisha instructs her to go and borrow vessels. And if you read carefully, he said, “…borrow not a few”. Did you see that? In other words, don’t borrow one, two, five vessels, but borrow as many as you can lay your hands on. So, if they are 200, then borrow them all because your capacity determines the extent of the supply.

Child of God, you serve an Unlimited God. There is no limit to His supply. So why are you coming to Him with a little vessel? You don’t go to fetch water from an ocean with a bottle! Elisha’s instructed the widow to lock herself in and pour oil into the vessels she borrowed. And just as he said, she was able to fill up all the vessels till there was no more vessel. And then the oil, “stayed”. Another translation says the oil stopped flowing. You must note that the oil didn’t stop flowing, because the oil was finished, but because there were no more vessels to fill.

Further Reading:
2 Kings 4:1-7

Daily Bible Reading:
Morning – 2 Kings 17-18; Evening – John 3:19-36

Wisdom For The Day Devotional was Written by Dr. Mike Okonkwo; Is the Presiding Bishop of The Redeemed Evangelical Mission (TREM); a versatile man of God with over 30 years of dedicated service unto the Lord.

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