[Seeds Of Destiny 10 November 2022] Topic: The Encounter That Changes Life
TOPIC: The Encounter That Changes Life (Seeds Of Destiny 10 November 2022)
SCRIPTURE: And the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed. Exodus 3:2
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: It takes an encounter to counter the agenda of the enemy.
Seeds Of Destiny For Today 2022 MESSAGE:
It is important to note that one Divine Encounter can settle a person’s life forever; one encounter of Divinity on humanity can settle a life forever.
Moses was a runaway fugitive who was in the realm of vagabondage. He roamed about in the wilderness until he had just one encounter – the burning bush encounter, and his life changed.
Beloved, it takes an encounter to count in life. And it takes an encounter to counter the agenda of the enemy and put the devil where he belongs.
Now, what are the products of Divine encounter from the life of Moses?
Restoration of vision and passion.
The vision that Moses had, the passion that was in his heart for the deliverance of his people, got restored by the burning bush encounter (Acts 7:23, Exodus 3:1-end).
Connection to Direction.
Moses was literally ‘missing road’ in life not knowing which way to take and what to do with his life. He got connected to direction by that one encounter with God (Exodus 3:1-end).
Realization of potential.
Moses had a rod in his hand, but he never knew that that rod could deliver a nation (Exodus 4:1-4) until encounter revealed it.
Reversal of verdict.
There was a verdict on Moses’ life and that was a verdict of death from Pharaoh. But it could not stand after the encounter (Exodus 14:27-31).
Elimination of stagnation.
The encounter was the end of Moses roaming about in the wilderness. His stagnation was eliminated by one encounter (Exodus 3:1-end).
The realization of destiny.
Moses commenced the fulfilment of the purpose of his existence by that singular encounter.
Beloved, God will give you an encounter that will transform your life forever, in Jesus’ Name.
Remember this: It takes an encounter to counter the agenda of the enemy.
Expect a Divine encounter that will turn your life around because expectation births manifestation.
Make demands on God for the products of Divine encounter in your life.
PRAYER: Lord, I ask that You give me a life-changing encounter. Counter the agenda of the enemy against my life and destiny Lord, in Jesus’ Name.
QUOTE: To hear from heaven is to shine on earth. To hear from above is stay on top. Culled from “30 SECRETS TO THE TOP” by Dr Paul Enenche.
AMAZING FACT: The nuclear reaction that takes place in a hydrogen bomb is the same reaction that fuels stars.
PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: That encounter that will cause you to count in your generation is happening for you in this season in Jesus’ Name.
Today’s devotional was written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), headquartered at Abuja, Nigeria, with Pastor Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. It is a power-packed arena where God’s Presence, Principles and Power are at work for the salvation, healing and restoration of human destinies and dignities.