Mista Traveller – Holy Ghost
Holy Ghost by Mista Traveller Mp3 Download
The song Holy Ghost is a reality of the nature of true fellowship with the Holy Spirit expressed in sound and chants. Our greatest and highest moment can only come when we give the Holy Ghost space to reveal the true nature of God. He (the Holy Spirit) can by no means be hidden. He out- speaks in every opportunity: His truly the City on a hill.
Elisha T. is a Content creator that expresses his messages through Music, Spoken Word, Graphics, and Writing. He believes “life” is a journey so therefore calls himself “ Mista Traveller” the Man always on the Move.
He resides in Abuja where he has spend most of his life.
Lyrics of Holy Ghost by Mista Traveller
Chant………There’s a city seated on a hill.
There’s a fire burning inside me
There’s a river [its] flowing without bound
There’s a mountain high above all seas and coast
There’s a city, [its] seated on a hill. [2 times]
Call: There’s a fire ooh
There’s a fire burning inside me
Ad-lip: Hmm There’s a river
There’s a river flowing without bound
Ad-lip: There’s these mountain eehhh
There’s a mountain high above all seas and coast
There’s a city, seated on a hill.
Ad-lip: Reviving fire ooh
There’s a fire burning inside me
Ad-lip: Fire of life, fire of truth
There’s a river flowing without bound
Ad-lip: There’s these mountain…….
There’s a mountain high above all seas and coast
There’s a city, seated on a hill.
Call: You’re the fire…..
You’re the fire burning inside me
Ad-lip: Hmm You’re the river….
You’re the river flowing without bound
Ad-lip: You’re the mountain
You’re the mountain high above all seas and coast
You’re the city, seated on a hill. [2 times]
Reviving fire….. Consuming fire…….. Rebranding fire……… Living fire……. Fire of the Lord
[Tongues] There’s a city seated on a hill.
Call: You’re the Holy Ghost
You’re the Holy Ghost burning inside me
Ad-lip: Ahhh You’re the Holy Ghost
You’re the Holy Ghost flowing without bound
Ad-lip: You’re the Holy Ghost
You’re the Holy Ghost the mountain high above all seas
You’re the city, seated on a hill. [2 times]
Ahhh Ahhh Ahhh……..[4 times]
Ehhh… We chant in the Holy Ghost
Ahhhhh……. Consuming fire…….. Rebranding fire…. Transforming fire
You’re that river
The mountain high above all seas
You’re the city, seated on a hill.
Social Media handles:
Facebook: Innocent Elisha
Twitter: Elisha Innocent
Instagram: elishainnocent01
YouTube: Innocent Elisha