[Anglican Devotional 24 June 2022] Topic: The Birth And Ministry Of John The Baptist
TOPIC: The Birth And Ministry Of John The Baptist
READ: LUKE 1:57-66, 80 (NKJV)
Now Elizabeth’s full time came for her to be delivered, and she brought forth a son.
When her neighbors and relatives heard how the Lord had shown great mercy to her, they rejoiced with her.
So it was, on the eighth day, that they came to circumcise the child; and they would have called him by the name of his father, Zacharias.
His mother answered and said, “No; he shall be called John.”
But they said to her, “There is no one among your relatives who is called by this name.”
So they made signs to his father — what he would have him called.
And he asked for a writing tablet, and wrote, saying, “His name is John.” So they all marveled.
Immediately his mouth was opened and his tongue [loosed,] and he spoke, praising God.
Then fear came on all who dwelt around them; and all these sayings were discussed throughout all the hill country of Judea.
And all those who heard [them] kept [them] in their hearts, saying, “What kind of child will this be?” And the hand of the Lord was with him.
Luke 1:80:
So the child grew and became strong in spirit, and was in the deserts till the day of his manifestation to Israel.
John the Baptist was a great prophet of God who heralded the coming of Jesus Christ and baptised Him. His birth and name came by angelic pronouncement to his father who doubted and became dumb as a punishment, for a season.
His parents – Zacharias and Elizabeth – were barren but God’s word by Angel Gabriel came true. The word of God for your life in any area you have been waiting shall come true soon in Jesus’ name! At his naming ceremony, Zacharias’ relations wanted to name him after his father but his mother insisted that he would be called John – the name given by the angel. Zacharias confirmed this name by writing it down. Thereafter, he instantly received healing and could talk.
The action of this couple to do God’s will is a challenge to many couples today. Do you always agree with your spouse on God’s instructions or are you swayed by culture, fear, status quo and unbelieving relatives and colleagues? Note that the hand of God was upon John as he grew. He waited and prepared himself in the desert before his manifestation (verses 66 & 80).
It is important that we wait on God and prepare our lives before jumping out to manifest. He who called you knows when, how and where to announce you!
PRAYER: Dear Father, the grace to wait on You I seek.