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Woman Accuses Neighbour Of Sending Man To R*pe Her Repeatedly After Quarrel Over Three Coconuts

The middle-aged widow said that before being raped, her neighbour had threatened to teach her a lesson after they quarrelled over three coconuts.

A mother of five has cried out to the authorities after she was sexually violated repeatedly by a man she suspects was sent by one of her neighbours after a disagreement.

The middle-aged widow said that prior to being raped, her neighbour had threatened to teach her a lesson after they quarrelled over three coconuts.

She disclosed that after she left her house at Vikwatani within Kisauni sub-county of Kenya at 5:00 am on Wednesday September 1, to fetch water, a well-built man attacked her from behind while wielding a knife and a panga.She said;“We had quarrelled on Sunday over three coconuts which had fallen inside my compound, and during the confrontation, she vowed to teach me a lesson. Three days later, I was raped by someone whom I believe had been sent by her.“He had a torch and after attacking me, he asked me to identify myself before he proceeded to strip me naked. I begged him not to rape me since I was on my monthly periods but my cries fell on deaf ears. I was unable to fight him so he easily had his way.”The woman who also claimed that her alleged rapist escorted her to her house and asked the whereabouts of her children who were sleeping in the single room, took time to leave her house and even negotiated with her to honour his sexual demands, failure to which he would kill her.She said;“After he was done, he wiped himself using my dress then he ordered me to put it on with the glaring stains.“He raped me and forced me to swear to him that whenever he felt like having sex with me, he would come knocking on my door and I would immediately open the door.”The widow said she was told off by police officers at Concordia Police Post when she reported her ordeal. She is however now calling upon investigative agencies to intervene and arrest the suspect who is still at large.She said;“Didn’t you enjoy the act since throughout the ordeal you did not scream for neighbours to rescue you?“He again forced himself into my house at around 5:am yesterday (September 1, 2021). l feared for the lives of my children who were by now all awake and left with him to the nearby bushes where he raped me.”Kisauni Sub-county police Commander Londo Juma has now confirmed that they are following up on the matter.Juma said;

“I will follow up on the matter, or bring the victim to my office.” 

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