[TREM Devotional 28 September 2021] Topic: The Word Of God Never Wavers
TOPIC: The Word Of God Never Wavers (TREM Devotional 28 September 2021)
“But as God is true, our word toward you was not yea and nay.” 2 Corinthians 1:18 KJV
The NLT version of our text says: “As surely as God is faithful, our word to you does not waver between yes and no.” The Word of God that is preached to you does not waver between yes or no. The race we are involved in is not an assumption; it is an assurance. We are secured. You can be secured in God in such a way that you don’t have any doubt. God wants us to be at rest. Our rest comes from the fact that we know that God always does what He says. All the promises of God have been fulfilled in Christ. When Christ says ‘yes,’ we say a resounding ‘amen.’ The word ‘yea’ is a strong affirmation; it means ‘surely’ or ‘verily.’
One of man’s challenges is trusting what God says. The last time I checked, God had finished creation and now He is sitting down. When you are panicking, He is not panicking. In the book of Mark chapter 4, there was a great storm and Jesus’ disciples were panicking but then Jesus was sleeping! He was not moved by storm. He has spoken the Word and it is ‘yea.’ It has been spoken and it can’t change. The condition cannot change it. But the problem is that we are filled with doubt and unbelief.
Can we absolutely depend on God knowing that it shall come to pass? Beloved, this God can be trusted! You must learn to approach the Word of God from a heavenly perspective. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. He is the First and the Last. When He shuts, no one can open and when He opens, no one can shut.
He is the Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient God. Besides Him, there is no other god. From everlasting to everlasting, He remains God. This God can be trusted. His Word never fails.
“For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven” (Psalms 119:89 KJV).
Further Reading:
Psalm 33:1-22, 89:34
Daily Bible Reading:
Morning – Isaiah 5-6
Evening – Ephesians 1
Written by Dr. Mike Okonkwo; Is the Presiding Bishop of The Redeemed Evangelical Mission (TREM); a versatile man of God with over 30 years of dedicated service unto the Lord.