Topic: Blessed And Highly Favoured (Rhapsody of Realities 26 February 2021)
Scripture: To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved (Ephesians 1:6).
The word “accepted” in the scripture above is “charitoo” (Greek), and it means to grace; that is, to be imbued with special honour; make accepted or be highly favoured. So, the scripture should actually read, “…He has made us highly favoured in the beloved.” Hallelujah!
Someone in Scripture who got such a description was Mary. Luke 1:28 says, “And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured….” And that’s exactly what God is telling you; you’re blessed and highly favoured.
Mary was blessed and highly favoured because she was to carry Jesus in her womb through the Word. Today, you’re carrying Jesus in your spirit through the Word. Glory to God! His Word isn’t just in you, His Word is your life, for you’re born of the Word. What a life He’s given us!
What does it mean to be favoured? It means that you’re blessed beyond measure; you’re blessed of God even when you don’t seem to deserve it. In essence, look beyond your ability; look beyond whether or not you qualify; God Himself is your ability and your sufficiency. That’s what it says in 2 Corinthians 3:5, “Our sufficiency is of Him.”
Being highly favoured means everything you do prospers. Even when others fail or make losses, you excel, because you’re sponsored by the Spirit; he orders your steps. Even if you were surrounded by critics and detractors, it’ll make no difference because you’re God’s man or woman, piloted by grace.
As God’s favour is manifested in your behalf, doors and opportunities which can’t be humanly explained are open to you. The Bible says, “And God is able to make all grace (every favor and earthly blessing) come to you in abundance…” (2 Corinthians 9:8 AMPC). This is God’s desire for you. Psalm 5:12 says, “For thou, LORD, wilt bless the righteous; with favour wilt thou compass him as with a shield.” Everywhere and every time, throughout this year, be conscious that you’re blessed and highly favoured.
I’m divinely favoured and positioned for the glorious life! Grace has put me ahead, and I can never be disadvantaged! I increase in beauty, honour and influence. I live and walk with the consciousness of one who’s blessed of the Lord; and through me, blessings are dispersed to those in my world. Hallelujah!
2 Corinthians 3:5 AMPC; Not that we are fit (qualified and sufficient in ability) of ourselves to form personal judgments or to claim or count anything as coming from us, but our power and ability and sufficiency are from God.
Psalm 1:1-3 AMPC; Blessed (happy, fortunate, prosperous, and enviable) is the man who walks and lives not in the counsel of the ungodly [following their advice, their plans and purposes], nor stands [submissive and inactive] in the path where sinners walk, nor sits down [to relax and rest] where the scornful [and the mockers] gather. 2 But his delight and desire are in the law of the Lord, and on His law (the precepts, the instructions, the teachings of God) he habitually meditates (ponders and studies) by day and by night. 3 And he shall be like a tree firmly planted [and tended] by the streams of water, ready to bring forth its fruit in its season; its leaf also shall not fade or wither; and everything he does shall prosper [and come to maturity].
Psalms 102:13; Thou shalt arise, [and] have mercy upon Zion: for the time to favour her, yea, the set time, is come.
Mark 7:24-8:1-13 & Numbers 1-2
Matthew 18:1-11 & Exodus 7
Rhapsody of Realities 26th February 2021 Devotional was written by Pastor Pastor Chris Oyakhilome (D.Sc., D.D.). President of Loveworld Inc. aka Christ Embassy Int’l.