Emy Young – You Are Great
The greatness of our God and His works great that my mouth can’t speak of it all, even if I spend all my years trying it, that is why I’m using this song to express it a little.
1. When I think of the wonders of your works
How you created the heaven and the earth
How you created the birds to fly in the sky
And cause the fish to swim in the sea
It really causes me to be amazed Lord and sing
You are great Lord
You are great Lord
You are great, and greatly to be praised
You are great Lord
You are great Lord
You are great, and greatly to be praised.
2. You created the moon, the sun and the stars.
The universe, it’s glory blossom nice
You created the kingdoms, nations wide
And cause your glory to fill the earth.
3. And when your glory, the glory of your power
Cause to dim-out by the sinful works of man
You left your glory, your heaven home above
To save your glory, the image of your own
Last Bridge
When I think of the wonders of your works
It causes me to praise your name.
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Instagram; EmyYoung12