TOPIC: Our Incomparable God (DCLM Daily Manna 19 June 2021)
TEXT: Job 34:18-30
18 Is it fit to say to a king, Thou art wicked? and to princes, Ye are ungodly?
19 How much less to him that accepteth not the persons of princes, nor regardeth the rich more than the poor? for they all are the work of his hands.
20 In a moment shall they die, and the people shall be troubled at midnight, and pass away: and the mighty shall be taken away without hand.
21 For his eyes are upon the ways of man, and he seeth all his goings.
22 There is no darkness, nor shadow of death, where the workers of iniquity may hide themselves.
23 For he will not lay upon man more than right; that he should enter into judgment with God.
24 He shall break in pieces mighty men without number, and set others in their stead.
25 Therefore he knoweth their works, and he overturneth them in the night, so that they are destroyed.
26 He striketh them as wicked men in the open sight of others;
27 Because they turned back from him, and would not consider any of his ways:
28 So that they cause the cry of the poor to come unto him, and he heareth the cry of the afflicted.
29 When he giveth quietness, who then can make trouble? and when he hideth his face, who then can behold him? whether it be done against a nation, or against a man only:
30 That the hypocrite reign not, lest the people be ensnared.
KEY VERSE: “For his eyes are upon the ways of man, and he seeth all his goings.” – (Job 34:21)
A young boy who was travelling by airplane to visit his grandparents sat beside a man who happened to be a seminary professor. The boy was reading a Sunday school take-home paper when the professor thought he would have some fun with the lad. “Young man,” said the professor, “If you can tell me something God can do, I’ll give you a big, shiny apple.” The boy thought for a moment and then replied, “Mister, if you can tell me something God can’t do, I’ll give you a whole barrel of apples!” God is great and mighty. He can do all things! On the other hand, man is fallible and this makes him incomparable with the infallible Creator.
Job’s three friends had attributed the undesirable condition of Job to his sinfulness, while Job had consistently refuted their wrong accusation. Elihu’s enquiry was based on the appropriateness or otherwise of confronting leaders and accusing them of wickedness. He affirmed that if kings and princes cannot just be blatantly accused of wickedness, how much more the almighty God who cannot be compared to any king, prince or anybody whatsoever.
Every human – whether rich or poor – is a creature of God. His all-seeing eyes see the secrets of all men. He is Omnipotent and Omniscient; therefore, His judgments are just. God is Almighty, and able to deal with the strongest of men when He enters into judgment with them. He has unlimited power and knowledge.
Our God cannot be compared with any creature; nor can He be equated with the judges of this world who are susceptible to making human errors and wrong judgments. Before Him, all men are equal and He would judge all sinners, no matter how mighty or rich they are. He will surely hear the cry of the afflicted, but would cut off the wicked and the hypocrite.
The judgments of the righteous Judge are ever just and true.
Colossians 1-4
DCLM Daily Manna was written by Pastor W. F. Kumuyi; is the founder and General Superintendent of the Deeper Life Bible Church situated at KM 42 on the busy Lagos-Ibadan Expressway, Nigeria.