[Anglican Devotional 31 December 2021] Topic: God’s Will For You In Christ
TOPIC: God’s Will For You In Christ
READ: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-28 (NKJV)
Rejoice always,
pray without ceasing,
in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
Do not quench the Spirit.
Do not despise prophecies.
Test all things; hold fast what is good.
Abstain from every form of evil.
Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
He who calls you [is] faithful, who also will do [it.]
Brethren, pray for us.
Greet all the brethren with a holy kiss.
I charge you by the Lord that this epistle be read to all the holy brethren.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ [be] with you. Amen.
Generally, we often picture God’s will as something complicated, impressive or some painful sacrifices. However, verses 16-18 give us three simple things that are part of God’s will for us. The first is that we rejoice always. This doesn’t mean denying your feelings of sadness and putting on a fake happy face. We rejoice because we know that God is completely in control. The second is to pray without ceasing. We are not to pray non-stop, but frequently and persistently. Through prayers, we lay hold on the riches that we have in Christ, which are the source of true joy. The third is to give thanks in everything
God’s will is not simply moral obligations for our spiritual wellbeing but the manifestations of the Holy Spirit. It is the Spirit that awakens and sustains rejoicing, prayer and thanksgiving in a believer’s life. As this year ends and we look forward to a New Year, there is no guarantee that every day of the New Year will be great and smooth without moments of difficulties. In all these, God’s will for you in Christ is that you rejoice always, pray always and give thanks in all circumstances. God will work good out of evil!
PRAYER: Father, thank You for Your faithfulness this year. Help me by Your Spirit to do Your will today and in the New Year. Amen.