[Anglican Devotional 22 October 2021] Topic: The Beauty Of Creation
TOPIC: The Beauty Of Creation
READ: Ecclesiastes 3:9-15 (NKJV)
What profit has the worker from that in which he labors?
I have seen the God-given task with which the sons of men are to be occupied.
He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end.
I know that nothing [is] better for them than to rejoice, and to do good in their lives,
and also that every man should eat and drink and enjoy the good of all his labor — it [is] the gift of God.
I know that whatever God does, It shall be forever. Nothing can be added to it, And nothing taken from it. God does [it,] that men should fear before Him.
That which is has already been, And what is to be has already been; And God requires an account of what is past.
Yesterday, we talked about there being a time for everything, and from Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, we discovered that there is a time for everything: A time to be born and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to uproot; a time to break down and a time to build up; etc. Considering the above, Solomon asks, “What profit has the worker from that in which he labours? “(verse 9). God only made it that way to keep humans busy (verse 10). See also Genesis 2:15. For humans to occupy themselves with this God-given task is part of beauty of creation. No matter how much man seeks to find out why God made everything so, no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end.
No matter how beautiful or large the world is, it cannot give us enough satisfaction. Since we were made for eternity, the things of time cannot satisfy fully and permanently. The ability to enjoy and live life properly as a gift from God comes only when we are brought into a right relationship with Him and sincerely submit ourselves to Him as our Lord and God. When we do this, He gives us joy in all we do. Submit yourself to Him today, humble yourself under His power and enjoy the grace of His creation.
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Have you discovered the beauty of God’s creation?