[TREM Devotional 28 June 2020] Topic: Empower Your Destiny
“And the LORD looked upon him, and said, Go in this thy might, and thou shalt save Israel from the hand of the Midianites: have not I sent thee?” Judges 6:14
It takes boldness and courage to break from the norm but we are always afraid! When you look around, your question will be: “How am I going to do it? That is not your business when God is with you. It is not your business when it is the season. God is empowering your destiny! Most of us have eaten corn all our lives but it took a man in Michigan who looked beyond that corn that you are eating and developed corn flakes out of the corn. Today, the whole world is eating corn flakes that came from the corn. The problem with us is that we are too comfortable. Like Gideon, you are too comfortable in your wine press when your destiny is to be a deliverer to the children of Israel.
Why are we in our comfort zone? Why are we not ready to take our world? Do you know that in the United States right now there is no second-hand value for anything? Almost everything is replaced with a new one once they get bad. I had an iPad that recently developed a problem. It was not charging. When I travelled to the UK, I took it to a shop thinking I could repair it. They told me that they were so sorry that there is nothing that they can do, that I should wait for the next version of the iPad to buy. Now the issue is not buying the new iPad. My problem was this: “Does it mean that for every little thing that happens you must change it?” I brought it back to Nigeria and took it somewhere where they changed some little things there and the iPad started working again.
So why can’t we take the same technology abroad? Since we are good at repairing things, why should that technology not be taken out and sold to the world and you would be smiling to the bank? We just do not have the courage to sit down and make the most of these abilities. We repair cell phones and all types of electronics and cars. We can change the shape of any car and virtually reconstruct them. All these things are meant to be exported.
May the Lord open your eyes to see. May the Lord give you uncommon insight that will put you at the cutting edge. Go in this your might and take your world.
Further Reading: Jeremiah 33:1-3, Psalm 32:8-9
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Job 11-13; Evening- Acts 9:1-21
Written by Dr. Mike Okonkwo; Is the Presiding Bishop of The Redeemed Evangelical Mission (TREM); a versatile man of God with over 30 years of dedicated service unto the Lord.