[Seeds of Destiny 9 October 2020 Devotional] Topic: The Lifestyle Of Greed
Topic: The Lifestyle Of Greed
When money is allowed to control a man’s life, it can destroy his destiny.
SCRIPTURE: For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. 1 Timothy 6:10
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: When money is allowed to control a man’s life, it can destroy his destiny.
The lifestyle of greed has been confirmed to be a deadly enemy of destiny. The lifestyle of greed can manifest as the love of money or the spirit of covetousness.
Now, take note of the following key thoughts on money:
a. Evil is rooted in the love of money.
Evil is rooted in the love of money (1 Timothy 6:10). And because evil is rooted in the love of money, the love of money is a destroyer of destiny. When money is allowed to control a man’s life, it can destroy his destiny.
b. Money is a wonderful servant but a terrible task master.
Money always answers all things (Ecclesiastes 10:19). Money is a wonderful servant but a terrible task master. For example, if you send money to buy a car or build a house for you, it will go. Money answers all things but it is a terrible task master.
c. The love of money is a killer of the love of God.
Money itself is neutral but the love of money, which is greed or covetousness, kills the love of God in the hearts of people. You cannot serve God and mammon (Matthew 6:24). You can worship God with money but you cannot worship God and money.
My counsel is, make up your mind not to be used by money but use money to serve God.
Remember this: When money is allowed to control a man’s life, it can destroy his destiny.
Refuse to be controlled by greed and the love of money.
Worship God with money but don’t worship God and money.
Refuse to be mastered by money; instead, master money for your Maker.
PRAYER: Thank You Lord for your Word to me today. Deliver me from the grip of greed and covetousness. I receive the grace to master money and use it for Your purpose on earth, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.
QUOTE: Those who are dying of poverty, our money can be used to demonstrate the love of God and prevent them from dying in poverty. Culled from “21 UNCOMMON KEYS TO FINANCIAL OVERFLOW” by Dr Paul Enenche.
DAILY READING: Matthew 9-11
AMAZING FACT: A group of parrots is known as a pandemonium. And the collective noun for porcupines, is a prickle.
PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: The love of money is cursed in your life in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Today’s devotional was written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), headquartered at Abuja, Nigeria, with Pastor Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. It is a power-packed arena where God’s Presence, Principles and Power are at work for the salvation, healing and restoration of human destinies and dignities