[MFM Daily Devotional 21 November 2020] Topic: The Caged Blood
TOPIC: The Caged Blood (Mountain Of Fire and Miracle Ministries, MFM Daily Devotional 21 November 2020)
Please, scroll down for seventy Days Prayer and Fasting Programme
FIRE SCRIPTURE: Luke 11:47-51 (KJV)
47 Woe unto you! for ye build the sepulchres of the prophets, and your fathers killed them.
48 Truly ye bear witness that ye allow the deeds of your fathers: for they indeed killed them, and ye build their sepulchres.
49 Therefore also said the wisdom of God, I will send them prophets and apostles, and some of them they shall slay and persecute:
50 That the blood of all the prophets, which was shed from the foundation of the world, may be required of this generation;
51 From the blood of Abel unto the blood of Zacharias, which perished between the altar and the temple: verily I say unto you, It shall be required of this generation.
MEMORY VERSE: “From the blood of Abel unto the blood of Zacharias, which perished between the altar and the temple: verily I say unto you, It shall be required of this generation.” – Luke 11:51
The blood of Jesus will neutralise blood pollution.
PRAISE WORSHIP: Take a worship song as led by the Holy Spirit
There are deep mysteries in life. The mystery of the blood is deep. This shall be explored in today’s devotional. The devil can institute a case against you, when there is blood crying against you due to several abortions you were involved in. There are principles that are strong in the spiritual realm. What people do and take for granted have grave consequences. One of the most serious offence anyone can commit is to get involved directly or indirectly with abortion. When you get involved with abortion, automatically blood will cry against you. If you have committed abortion severally, you can be sure that a lot of blood is crying against you. This cry will scream loudly against your destiny and at the end of the day, either you like it or not, the ladder of darkness would be placed on your life and destiny. The purpose of this ladder is to institute heavy penalties as a result of the crying blood. When this blood of abortion cries against you, you will automatically lose precious items. Your destiny might go for it, on the long run. You must not allow yourself to be involved with the crying blood that emanates from abortion. You need to know that even when you have forgotten the principles of the crying blood, they will operate powerfully. A lot of people today, have had their destinies completely raided and everything of value is removed. You must say no to the evil consequences of the crying blood today. The earlier this is done, the better.
When you study the scripture deeper, you will discover that one of the toughest ladders that the enemy can use against humanity is the ladder of the crying blood. In Matthew 23:35, this is made clear.
“That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar.” – Matthew 23:35
The Bible makes it clear that the blood can cry against individuals and generations. When the blood cries, it shows that the ladder of the crying blood will continue to produce negative things in the life of people. The Bible is not silent on the fact that the blood can cause serious problems when it is shed innocently.
Today, the blood of those who are slaying wickedly, remains a ladder that cries powerfully against many people and their ancestors. The Bible says that the blood will be required. The moment the ladder of the blood is hanging on your life and destiny, the devil will do all manners of havoc against you. The blood will remain a terrible ladder which will affect people negatively. You must pray and dismantle any ladder of the blood through repentance and crying for mercy.
I refuse to accept satanic substitute for my destiny, in the name of Jesus.
I shall not be a spiritual casualty, in the name of Jesus.
I refuse to be caged by the enemy of good things, in the name of Jesus.
O Lord, take away my portions from casualty, in the name of Jesus.
Let every internal coffin in my life receive the fire of God and be roasted now, in the name of Jesus.
My God, my life shall not be left with the wind, in the name of Jesus.
Every destiny-paralysing power fashioned against my destiny, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.
MOUNTAIN TOP LIFE is a daily devotional by Dr. D.K Olukoya (General Overseer, Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministries, Worldwide)
MFM 2020 SEVENTY (70) DAYS PRAYER AND FASTING PROGRAMME (Saturday, November 21st, 2020 – Day 48)
Scripture Reading: Daniel 3
Confession: 1 Timothy 3:16; And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.
Reading the Bible in 70 Days (Ezekiel 19:9 – 34:20)
Devotional Songs
Praise and Worship
Prayers of Praise and Thanksgiving.
Every wicked fasting against my life, receive double failure, in Jesus’ name.
Satanic lions, roaring against my destiny, sword of God, cut them to pieces, in the name of Jesus.
Any power, blocking my prayers before God, run mad and die, in the name of Jesus.
Powers that recruit children into witchcraft, my children are not your victims, die, in the name of Jesus.
Every witchcraft bank, containing the details of my career/business, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
Every witchcraft bag, holding my breakthroughs, release it and catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
Spirit of the dead, inviting stagnancy into my life, be consumed by fire, in the name of Jesus.
Every dark history, recorded to swallow my destiny, die, in Jesus’ name.
Every record of affliction fashioned against me, destroy your owners, in the name of Jesus.
Every certificate of affliction and oppression in my hand, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
Host of heaven, arise, return affliction and oppression back to the sender with double destruction, in the name of Jesus.
Angels of heaven, draw your sword of fire and slay all my stubborn pursuers, in the name of Jesus.
Arrows fired to drain my finances, backfire, in the name of Jesus.
Lord, let my enemies make mistakes that will bring their wickedness to an end, in the name of Jesus.
Evil rock, housing my blessings, thunder of God, break it to pieces, in the name of Jesus.
Any garment of mockery assigned against my marital breakthrough, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
Wicked powers, planning to celebrate my defeat, run mad and die, in the name of Jesus.
Powers, assigned to send my virtues to an early grave, die, in Jesus’ name.
The spirit of Pharaoh, planning to enslave me, die, in the name of Jesus.
The spirit of Pharaoh, assigned to kill laughter in my home, be eliminated, in the name of Jesus.
Every power, making my testimony low, die, in the name of Jesus.
Evil signpost, put in place to divert my destiny, die, in the name of Jesus.
Powers, assigned to convert my miracle to ridicule, die, in the name of Jesus.
O God, arise and destroy the power of the enemy over my life, in the name of Jesus.
Garment of trial and error, assigned to frustrate me, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
Farmer of darkness, planting evil seed in my life, receive the arrow of death, in the name of Jesus.
Lord, let the sound of my footsteps cause panic and destruction for my enemies, in the name of Jesus.
Anytime I speak, my enemies shall receive double confusion, in Jesus’ name.
MFM 2020 SEVENTY DAYS PRAYER & FASTING PROGRAMME is a yearly prayer program published by Dr. D.K Olukoya (General Overseer, Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministries, Worldwide)