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[DCLM Daily Manna 13 November 2020] Topic: As A Father Or As A Judge?

Text: Job 33:1-13 (KJV)

1 Wherefore, Job, I pray thee, hear my speeches, and hearken to all my words.

2 Behold, now I have opened my mouth, my tongue hath spoken in my mouth.

3 My words shall be of the uprightness of my heart: and my lips shall utter knowledge clearly.

4 The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life.

5 If thou canst answer me, set thy words in order before me, stand up.

6 Behold, I am according to thy wish in God’s stead: I also am formed out of the clay.

7 Behold, my terror shall not make thee afraid, neither shall my hand be heavy upon thee.

8 Surely thou hast spoken in mine hearing, and I have heard the voice of thy words, saying,

9 I am clean without transgression, I am innocent; neither is there iniquity in me.

10 Behold, he findeth occasions against me, he counteth me for his enemy,

11 He putteth my feet in the stocks, he marketh all my paths.

12 Behold, in this thou art not just: I will answer thee, that God is greater than man.

13 Why dost thou strive against him? for he giveth not account of any of his matters.

Key Verse: “The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. Behold, I am according to thy wish in God’s stead: I also am formed out of the clay” – (Job 33:4,6)


It seems the greatest irony of life is that we live and walk daily on the very path where we were taken from: the dust! Yes, man was taken out of the dust, and he was dust until God gave him the breath of life. When man dies, he goes back to the very place he was taken from and where he had walked upon. What a sobering truth!

We are admonished and reminded today of the fact that whatever we are or become in life, we are to always remember that God made us out of clay and that we are nothing without Him. The entire book of Job is like a summary of man in general. Today he is fat and flourishing, tomorrow he is down or even dead.

Man is a tripartite being, which means we have body, soul and spirit. Most people spend their time, talent and treasure in pampering only the body, without ever making any serious plan for their soul’s welfare. Our body is the frame that houses the real man, the soul. The brevity of life is certain, but it is our relationship with God, the Creator, that can determine our eternal abode. Thus, the earlier we realise this the better it is to help us number our very few and fleeting days.

Wisdom demands therefore, that we know, serve and acquaint now with God who created us and lent us the breath in our nostrils. One day, we shall either meet Him as a Father by His right hand or as a fierce Judge, at His left hand to give account of how we spent our life here on earth and what we did with all He had bequeathed to us. Our relationship with Him now will determine where we end up.

Thought For The Day: Would you want to meet God as a Father or as a Judge?

The Bible In One Year: Ezekiel 6-8

DCLM Daily Manna was written by Pastor William Folorunso Kumuyi; is the founder and General Superintendent of the Deeper Life Bible Church situated at KM 42 on the busy Lagos-Ibadan Expressway, Nigeria.

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