Sermon: Worship And Wisdom by Pastor Paul Enenche
Worship and Wisdom by Pastor Paul Enenche
Understanding the connection between worship and wisdom
The way of worship is the way of wisdom
- Scriptures make it clear that God is the Only-Wise God and He dwells in the midst of endless worship (Rom. 16:27; 1Tim. 1:17; Jude 1 :25; Rev. 4:8-10)
- Even lucifer was created with instruments of worship (Ezek. 28:11-13)
- Our Master Jesus was established as the wisdom of God (1Cor. 1:24, 30; John 6:11, 11:41; Matt. 26:30)
- Moses was an embodiment of the wisdom of God (Exo. 34:9; Deut. 30:21, 30)
- Scriptures make it clear that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of wisdom and He is triggered in the atmosphere of worship (Exo. 31:2; Isa. 11:1-2; Acts 13:1-2; Eph. 5:18-20)
Whatever increases your worship of God, increases your wisdom and whatever attacks your worship of God attacks your wisdom
The limit of your worship of God is the limit of your wisdom
Whatever attacks your celebration of God attacks your wisdom
The limit of your worship of God is the limit of your wisdom
The celebration of God provokes inspiration from Heaven (1Kings 3:15; Isa. 30:29-30)
If you don’t want your ears to be deaf to what God is saying to you then your mouth must not be dumb in worship.
The dumbness of the mouth in worship results to the deafness of the ear in wisdom
- Joyfulness (Ps. 100:1-4; Phil. 4:4)
Anything that attacks your joy attacks your worship
Depression deprives you of your worship - Thankfulness (Ps. 100:1-4; Eccl. 9:4)
When you take God for granted, your wisdom diminishes
When you take God for granted, your life remains grounded - Praisefulness (Ps. 100:1-4)
Praise brings wisdom; when you praise God, He gives you wisdom - Passion for God (Ps. 63:1-2)
Deep passion for God culminates into deep worship of Him - The knowledge of God (Ps. 42:1-2, 7)
The more you know God, the more your worship rises
The shallow your knowledge of God, the shallow your worship of God
- I speak to your life, your family, children and loved ones and on all you lay your hands to do; every agenda of evil, every pain or hurt organised for you is arrested and nullified
- Every area of your life where there is battle currently, I decree the battle is broken
- Every area where the enemy counters the work of God in your life and makes a negative statement , it is nullified
- That next level that the devil is afraid of, that place God has earmarked for you, I prophesy you are getting there. Receive the mantle and fire for the next level
- The wisdom that comes with worship, the wisdom for the next phase and dimension is released upon you right now
- On this first day of this week, every orchestration of hell organised for you is cancelled, nullified and interrupted
- A new season is upon you
- Your mouth will never cease to testify about the righteous acts of God in your life
- Every missile fired into your body, today they are retrieved and refired back to sender
- Any challenge making you to look miserable and look for death, may God take it out of your life. Today they are laid to rest
- Whatever has attracted pain, hurt and battle into your life, today is the end of it
- Whatever the devil has taken from you is returned
- God shall put the systems under pressure until what is yours is released to you in Jesus’ Name
- Every reproach of barrenness and fruitlessness is over forever
-Everything you have seen here today that you desire in your life is established in your life - Before the month of October ends, everything that is yours shall be released under pressure. No devil shall hold back what is yours in Jesus’ Name
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by Anonymous on Nov 4, 2019 at 17:18